
Health news from the net 13 June 2014

Health news 13 June, 2014.
Do you enjoy reading about health as much as I do?
Here are links to a few health and nutrition related articles I was reading today. Click on the links for the full article and to read them from the source. Hope you find them interesting.

Lyndal @ Lean Green and Healthy
The truth about protein in the daily diet
This article originally published in the Sydney Morning Herald

Figuring out whether a high protein diet is healthy or not can leave you scratching your head.
Depending on which headline you read,  a high protein diet can sound like the prince of darkness, raising our risk of diabetes, cancer and an early grave, or a saviour come to rescue us from weight gain and muscle loss.
The problem here is with the  term ‘‘high protein’’  because it doesn’t tell us anything about the quality of the whole diet or where the protein comes from, says   Tim Crowe, associate professor at the School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences at Deakin University.

Protein powders – what are they and do you need them?
This article originally published in Foodwatch Australia

Protein is essential for our bodies. It is needed for growth, reproduction and healing as well as supporting a healthy immune system. Protein also helps to keep us satisfied for longer after a meal which is one of the reasons the high protein, low-carb diet is popular.
How much protein do we need a day?
We don’t actually need as much as some would have us believe - and more is not necessarily better.

Celiac or Coeliac? – Don’t play Dr Google
This article was originally published in e-GPS General Practice Solutions

Recent evidence demonstrates that 1 in 60 Australian women and 1 in 70 Australian men have coeliac disease and yet about 80% of them are undiagnosed. One of the key reasons that so many go undiagnosed is that they make a decision to put themselves on a gluten free diet without first being medically diagnosed for coeliac disease because it ‘makes them feel better’.  It is for this reason that awareness of coeliac disease and its complications is so important. Coeliac Australia advises:
“Feeling better when you remove wheat or gluten from your diet does not necessarily mean you have coeliac disease. You should consult with your doctor to investigate all potential causes for your symptoms.”

Stop overeating: tips for resisting the call of the cake
This article was originally published in the Telegraph UK

I admit it. I’m not safe in the house with an open packet of biscuits. It doesn’t take much – a rubbish day, a row with the husband, a snub from a friend, or just simply too much work to do – and they’ll start tempting me. And then: Oops! Before I know it the whole packet is gone — and a Scooby-snack-sized pile of toast has disappeared too, washed down with a generous glass of sauvignon blanc and a bag of peanuts as a chaser. And my rubbish day just got worse.
It seems I’m not alone. Psychologist Dr Jane McCartney, a specialist in overeating, has seen scores of patients who eat obsessively and destructively, and there are millions more of us who simply overeat. 


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