
Health news from the net 29 May 2014

Health news 29 May, 2014.
Do you enjoy reading about health as much as I do?
Here are links to a few health and nutrition related articles I was reading today. Click on the links for the full article and to read them from the source. Hope you find them interesting.

Lyndal @ Lean Green and Healthy

More than two billion people worldwide are overweight or obese
This article was originally published in The Conversation Australia.
An new analysis of world population data shows the number of people across the world who are overweight or obese has grown by 28% in adults and 47% in children in the last 33 years.
Among high-income countries, Australia and New Zealand have seen the greatest increases in obesity. It shows the highest increase in the prevalence of adult obesity has been in the United States (33%), Australia (28% of men and 30% of women) and the United Kingdom (25%).
To read the full article and view the interactive map click -> read full article


Couch potato Australia: only 19% of children get enough exercise each day
This article was originally published in The Guardian Australia.
Australia is raising a generation of couch potatoes, according to a new study which has found that only 19% of children get the recommended amount of exercise each day.
The study by Active Healthy Kids also found that despite Australia’s love of sport, the level of participation among kids in organised sport is not enough, with children still spending too much time in front of screens.
The study used a Canadian-developed international ranking tool to match Australian school children against those from 14 other countries and released the results in the first of an intended annual report card.
To read the full article click and find out more -> read full article 

Reduce wasting food by managing it better every day
This article was originally published on 1millionwomen.com.au
Many cultures place huge importance on the rituals of food and entertaining, which can lead to over-catering as we display our generosity to guests. Accurate catering for large events and even our households is always difficult, but you can try to hone your estimating skills to limit waste, and if you are using professional caterers talk to them about preventing wastage or reusing leftovers (for example, is there a charitable group they deliver food to after events).
To read the full article click and find out more -> read full article 

Eating lunch away from your desk could be the best thing you do for your health today
This article was originally published in The Daily Telegraph 
“Who has a lunch hour anymore?” lamented a friend recently, confessing she regularly wolfs down a sandwich while sitting in front of her computer.
A quick look around the office confirms many of us eat at our desk because we are too busy to stop work.
Macquarie University’s Yvette Blount, research co-ordinator of the Australian Anywhere Working Research Network says because technology is keeping us connected 24/7, most people are suffering “work intensification”.
“You have more work than you can physically get through in the hours allocated,” she explains.
A survey last year by The Australian Institute and beyondblue found 3.8 million Aussies routinely don’t break for lunch.
To read the full article click and find out more -> read full article 


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